To See Tax Brackets
So, I have been off the deep end lately. Not loving Jesus or anyone that much. Working lots and lots, not going to class and indulging crazy sin I would never admit to.
In this crazed state of total depravity I have realized that one thing I can't turn my back on is this wierd need for companionship. We all need it - truly God created us for community. If I refuse to find it in a good atmosphere, the enemy will provide it in another. Such is the case. My community now consists of the staff and regulars at my local bar and fellow associates at the hotel I work at.
This is all for context, now I will get petty....
There is this guy that I have quite the little crush on at work. It doesn't happen often in the last years that I have been particularly attracted to anyone - let alone a guy. Yet, I am totally all about it. Unfortunately this guy mystifies me by his lack of interest. Let's face it - this season's lack of spirituality aside, I am a pretty amazing individual.
I take this rejection and lay it at the feet of my father. Not my heavenly father - I don't take anything to Him anymore, but rather my earthly father. And for the first time that I can remember my father is actually uber supportive. His reply to my plight included that he "appeciate(s) this bohemien stage I am in - leaving my worldly lifestyle for Kentucky & Jesus..." and that I ultimately don't see certain attributes in people, including "the tax bracket they live in" So, I don't know - maybe I never turn my back on my need for companionship but occasionally, like a full eclispe - I let go of my pretenstiousness.
that's all i got, sorry