The Ninny-less Spot

My attempt to be a tad less "ninny" and a tad more edifying ;)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I'm fixin' to....

Wow... time is flying. So I am just throwing something out here cuz dude - it's almost november

I am learning all sorts of southern culture around here. Well, I guess the southern part is coming from my pastor's wife, she's from alabama. So, thanks to her I find myself saying things like "britches" or "fixin' to" or when I need to press something - "mash" hmmm. Oh the things you learn. Kentucky culture wise I have an ale-8 sweatshirt that I am lovin on and I now have a local cell phone. So woo hoo - let's see if anybody thinks I'm a native ;)

Okay - onto bigger and better things ----

Here's a point of contemplation that was brought up by a good friend a long time ago. For whatever reason (let's blame the Wesleyans) I have decided to re-examine it. Let me first share the context of the question: My good friend was working at a school library - a Christian University- where he noticed a couple fighting outside. He didn't hear much but could obviously tell that the boy in the situation was verbally attacking the girl. In this scenario we have three believers - the boy, the girl and the observer.

Now, if punches were flying or any kind of physical act was going on I'm sure someone - if not the observer himelf- would have put a stop to it. So, for arguments sake let's just put that down as a given. Yet, this verbal abuse went on a relatively long while and nobody made any move to change the situation.

Onto the point of contemplation: At what point should someone have stepped in on the victim's behalf? Does the role of community play a part in this decision? Does the "status" as believer on the part of any of the players make a difference?

I'm still chewing on this, or atleast I will be eventually - right now I am going to bed :)


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