Sudden Comfort
Hmm, you can always tell when I am procrastinating because my blogging becomes more regular ;) I have been all over the asburyblog lately :) Anyway, last night I was rummaging through papers - it is only when you are desparate do you clean that "random paper" drawer.... and I came across the following. It is a poem that my father wrote to me when I graduated from Cal Baptist last December. Enjoy.
Graduating Christian Soldier
Hoo-Rah! Hoo-Rah! Another milestone passed.
A major hurdle crossed in a life long race
against yourself for holy knowledge. What
a happy mouse you are while scurrying down
the halls of theological learning.
Don't worry much about those towering busts
of figures from the past. Although the years
of dedication to the quest for truth
lie clustered round your feet, they know even
a mouse can find a closer place to Him.